

When visiting Liepaja Special Economic Zone Ltd “Vecas Ostmalas Bizness Parks” (further – VOBP), Reg. No. 42103073886, registered address Veca ostmala 10, Liepāja, LV-3401 website www.vobp.lv, you may be asked to provide personal information necessary to complete the communication form in the sections “About Us” and/or “Contacts”. Please be informed that personal data provided on the home page will be used with maximum security and respect. VOBP undertakes to respect your rights to the legal processing and protection of personal data. This policy determines the policy for the processing of personal data on this home page and the purpose of it is to provide you with the information on how your personal data is collected and processed in accordance with applicable personal data law. VOBP is the administrator of the personal data related to this website.

Contact details:

1) Veca otsmala 10, Liepaja, Latvia, telephone: +371 25666472

2) E-mail address in matters relating to the processing of personal data: info@vobp.lv



The processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the Personal Data Processing Law and other legislative acts of the Republic of Latvia. Any personal information is treated as confidential and shall not be available to third parties. Your personal data will be stored in accordance with Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and will not be distributed to third parties or otherwise misused.



“About us” and “Contacts.” When you visit “About Us” and/or “Contacts” sections of the home page, you have the option to indicate your contact details for communication purposes (name, e-mail, phone and message) in the contact form. When you enter this information, you agree that you will be contacted to answer your request and send information about our offers.



The home page uses website tracking codes to monitor user behavior and analyze this information for business development purposes.



As part of the use of the home page and in order to improve services offered to the users, we collect data on the user of the home page. More info in Cookie Policy.



VOBP is entitled to make amendments in this policy at its own discretion and publish the latest version on the home page.